• Conflicts of interest policy: model and examples Use our model conflicts of interest policy to help you meet statutory requirements. Plus, see examples of policies from schools and trusts.
  • Governor induction policy A thoughtful governor induction policy does more than get your new governors off to a good start – it also serves as evidence of the board's commitment to training. Adapt our model policy to save time and make sure your induction is effective.
  • Governor school visits policy: model and examples Adapt our model policy to help make sure your governors stay on track during visits, and so school staff know what to expect when they're visited. Plus, see examples from other schools.
  • Governor training policies Create a governor training policy to make sure everyone on your board knows their responsibilities around training and development.
  • How to review your complaints procedures: checklist, model and examples Use our checklist to review the procedure for your school or trust, and make sure it complies with the law and reflects best practice. Be clear on what questions you can ask, and take a look at our model procedure to see what good looks like.