Reviewing policies: questions to ask

Be clear on your strategic role in reviewing policies and use our questions to make sure you do it properly.

Last reviewed on 4 March 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 4403
  1. Your role in reviewing policies
  2. Use our questions to interrogate the policy
  3. Next step: get the policy approved

Your role in reviewing policies

As a governing board your role is to ask challenging questions so that you can satisfy yourself that the policy is robust. In particular you want to know that the policy is:

  • Up to date with relevant requirements
  • Fit for purpose and tailored to your school
  • Aligned with your school's improvement strategies, vision and ethos

Use our questions below to help you find out. 

It's not your role to:

  • Write or revise policies
  • Search for other policies to compare your current policy to
  • Seek stakeholder feedback on policies

Remember: the actual policy-making is operational and should be left to senior leaders. Don't insert yourself into the policy-making process. 

Use our questions to interrogate the policy

Invite the relevant member of staff who drafted/reviewed the policy so you can ask them the questions below Read the