Which policy do I turn to when there's a problem?

Be sure you're dealing correctly with concerns and complaints with this rundown of what policies may apply. Use our policy overview table to work out where to turn to first.

Last reviewed on 4 April 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 34475
  1. If you need a quick answer
  2. Do I need the disciplinary/staff behaviour policy?
  3. Do I need the complaints policy?
  4. Do I need the grievance policy?
  5. Do I need the safeguarding allegations against staff policy?
  6. Do I need the whistle-blowing policy?
  7. Do I need a mix of a few policies?
  8. Seek legal advice if you’re unsure

This article is based on advice from Forbes Solicitors and the DfE's best practice guidance for school complaints procedures for maintained schools. 

Always check your school's policies before taking any action. It's really important that you have up-to-date, compliant policies and that you refer to them when you need to. They may not be set out exactly as we've outlined in this article, but they should clarify what issues they deal with and how they link with other policies.

If you need a quick answer

If a situation has arisen at your school and you need an immediate answer, don't panic:

  1. Download our overview table to help you work out what policy you're likely to need
  2. Once you've identified the policy needed, read the relevant section below – use the examples and look for any crossover with other policies
Download: overview table – which policy do I turn to? DOCX, 615.4 KB

Deal with something under your disciplinary/staff