Writing & reviewing school policies
- How to approve a school policy: processGovernors are responsible for approving the majority of school policies. Understand how approval can be delegated and why this can be a good idea, as well as what to ask before approving anything. Plus, read good practice on signing and storing these documents.
- How to review a trust-wide policyGet advice on how to look at any policy your trust sets centrally with a critical eye. Make sure you're clear on your role in the process as a trustee or local governor.
- Policy review cycle: template schedulesUse 1 of our statutory policy review schedules to keep on top of review periods at your school.
- Reviewing policies: questions to askBe clear on your strategic role in reviewing policies and use our questions to make sure you do it properly.
- School policies for governors: an introductionSchools run on policies. Understand your role as governor in the policy process, from development, to approval, review, monitoring and publication.
- Statutory policies and documentsDownload our list of statutory policies and documents to check that your school or trust has all the policies it needs to be compliant.
- Which policies should you set centrally?It's up to you. Use our expert advice and risk assessment, and see examples from trusts to help you decide.
- Which policy do I turn to when there's a problem?Be sure you're dealing correctly with concerns and complaints with this rundown of what policies may apply. Use our policy overview table to work out where to turn to first.