Statutory policies and documents

Download our list of statutory policies and documents to check that your school or trust has all the policies it needs to be compliant.

Last reviewed on 23 July 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 3579
  1. Most recent changes
  2. Maintained schools
  3. Single academy trusts and free schools
  4. Multi-academy trusts
  5. Independent schools
  6. Pupil referral units (PRUs), non-maintained special schools and non-maintained nursery schools
  7. Policies you must publish online
  8. Ofsted doesn't set the rules on school policies

Most recent changes

In March 2024, the DfE published separate governance guides for maintained schools and academy trusts. These include statutory policy lists that have replaced the DfE's previous guidance on statutory policies.

The new lists are less exhaustive than the previous guidance, with some policies being removed or incorporated into other policies. See our summary of changes in the relevant sections below.

Maintained schools

Download: statutory policies and documents (maintained schools) DOCX, 620.9 KB

Our list for maintained schools covers:

Summary of changes New statutory policies Attendance policy This was expected to become a statutory requirement when the new version of working together to improve school attendance comes into force on 19 August 2024. However, as the necessary legislation wasn't passed through parliament before the general election, it's unlikely this will now be the case However, it's still good practice to have an attendance policy School uniform policy You're now required to