Last reviewed on 7 April 2022
School types: All · School phases: All
Ref: 40741

It's up to you. Use our expert advice, risk assessment and see examples from trusts like you to make a call.

Check your scheme of delegation first

Set your policies in line with your trust's scheme of delegation. To what extent is your trust run centrally? How do you delegate roles and responsibilities to your local governing bodies (LGBs) or committees of your individual schools?

  • If you don't have LGBs or committees, or they have very little autonomy, we suggest that you centralise the majority of your policies
  • If your LGBs or committees have a level of delegated responsibility, follow the guidelines below

We wrote this article with the help of trust consultant Chris Randall, who advises trusts on how to set their policies. 

This article refers to statutory and non-statutory policies. Find out what policies your trust or schools are required to have in this article.

Set these policies centrally

There are some policies that we recommend you set centrally. Consider reviewing your scheme of delegation if it shows a level of delegation to your LGBs and/or committees.  

HR policies