Comply with charity law
As an academy trustee, you're a charity trustee. Therefore, under charity law, you must:
- Ensure the charity is carrying out its purposes for the public benefit
- Comply with the charity’s governing document and the law
- Act in the charity’s best interests
- Manage the charity’s resources responsibly
- Act with reasonable care and skill
- Ensure the charity is accountable
This is outlined in section 4.4.4 of the academy trust governance guide.
The Charity Commission has published guidance on your responsibilities as a trustee.
Comply with company law
As an academy trustee you're also a company director. Make sure you're clear on your academy's articles of association.
You must comply with your duties under the Companies Act 2006 to:
- Act within your powers
- Promote the success of the company
- Exercise independent judgement
- Exercise reasonable care, skill and diligence
- Avoid conflicts of interest
- Not accept benefits from third parties
- Declare any interest in proposed transactions or arrangements