- A governor's guide to attainment and progress
When it comes to measuring pupil performance, you'll often hear the words 'attainment' and 'progress' mentioned together. Use our guide to feel confident in knowing the difference between the 2.
- Analysing pupil progress: questions to ask
Use our questions to help you analyse pupil progress and confidently hold your school leaders to account.
- Assessment for pupils with SEN
Read the basics about assessment for pupils with special educational needs (SEN) on 1 page. You can also download this QuickRead as a ready-made resource to share with colleagues.
- EYFS framework and profile: summary
Understand everything you need to know about the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework and profile so you’re clued-up and ready to hold your school leaders to account.
- Key Stage 1 assessments: requirements
Understand how pupils are assessed at Key Stage (KS) 1, including what tests pupils can and should take, and how they're marked.
- Key Stage 2 SATs: governors' role
Key Stage (KS) 2 SATs will take place in May 2024. Here's what you need to know and examples of questions you might ask your headteacher. If you're asked to be an independent observer, use our checklist to know what to look out for.
- Key Stage 2 SATs in 2024
Understand how the Key Stage (KS) 2 SATs are administered and reported this year, and what role the governing board should play.
- Monitoring pupil progress
Find out how to go about monitoring pupil progress so you can make sure pupils are reaching their full potential.
- Monitoring the progress of 'more able' pupils
Understand your role in monitoring the progress of 'more able' and 'most able' pupils. See questions you can ask your school leaders, and examples of policies for high-ability or high-achieving pupils.
- Performance data for pupils with SEN
Learn how schools measure progress and attainment for pupils who can't access the curriculum or who are working below National Curriculum assessment standards. Understand 'the engagement model' and 'pre-Key-Stage standards' and how to monitor them.
- School performance data: the basics
Performance data can be overwhelming at first glance, but most governors don't need to know too much detail to do a good job. Get started with our quick guide on what you do and don't need to know about data.
- Understanding primary progress scores
Get up to speed with the primary progress measures and how they're calculated, so you can understand your performance data and hold your school leaders to account.