Equality & inclusion
- Equality Act 2010Schools and trusts have specific duties under the Equality Act 2010. Learn what's required of you, and of your school/trust.
- Equality Act 2010: admissions and provision of educationUnderstand your role in making sure your school complies with its obligations to pupils and their parents under the Equality Act, and learn what you can do to prevent discrimination.
- Equality Act 2010: reasonable adjustmentsUnderstand how your school must provide reasonable adjustments for pupils, staff and parents/carers with disabilities - including for school trips and after-school clubs.
- LAC and previously LAC: governing board's roleFind out what your responsibilities are regarding looked-after children (LAC) and previously LAC. Be clear on the statutory requirements so your school can stay compliant.
- Trans pupils: summary of legal rightsUnderstand your school's legal responsibilities around supporting pupils who identify as trans, so you can make sure it's compliant.
- Using pupil questionnaires: guidance and examplesUse questionnaires to involve pupils in decision-making and monitor how effectively your school is meeting their needs. Find guidance on how to use them well and see examples from schools.
- Your role under the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED)All schools and trusts are required to comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED). Understand what your school/trust needs to do, the information it must publish and see examples from other schools/trusts.