Health & safety

  • Emergency school closures
    Clarify when your school can close, who makes the decision and what the role of your chair and board is. See examples of emergency school closure procedures from schools.
  • Governing board's role in health and safety
    As a governing board or trust board, you have responsibility for overseeing health and safety in your school or across your trust. Learn more about what responsibilities you have and how to effectively delegate those duties.
  • Governors' and trustees' personal liability
    If you act honestly, reasonably and in good faith, you'll generally be protected from personal liability. Get to grips with the unlikely circumstances where you could be held personally liable, and whether you need liability insurance.
  • Governors' role in monitoring risk assessments
    Understand your role when it comes to health and safety risk assessments. Get to grips with how to be sure they're up to scratch and use our example to see what you need to look for.
  • Health and safety – governors' role
    Read our 1-page summary of your duties in relation to health and safety. Download a copy to share with your colleagues.
  • Health and safety questions to ask
    Find out what questions you can ask your senior leaders, and what to look for in their answers, so you know your school's keeping on top of health and safety. Download our questions so you have them to hand.
  • Health and safety report to governors: template
    As governors, you decide the scope and format of a health and safety report. However, it's up to your senior leaders to put the report together. Suggest they download and use our template to help keep you informed.
  • Statutory and mandatory risk assessments
    Use our list of risk assessments that schools must hold to make sure you're compliant. Download and use the checklist to help scrutinise whether your school or trust is meeting requirements.