QuickRead: Health and safety – governors' role

Read our 1-page summary of your duties in relation to health and safety. Download a copy to share with your colleagues.

Last reviewed on 3 July 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 30896

Responsibilities as an employer

The employer has legal responsibility for health and safety in a school or trust. You can see who the employer is for your school type in the table below:

Local authority (LA)Governing boardAcademy trustProprietor or governing board
  • Community schools
  • Voluntary-controlled schools
  • Community special schools
  • Maintained nursery schools
  • Pupil referral units (PRUs)
  • Voluntary-aided schools
  • Foundation schools
  • Foundation special schools
  • Academies
  • Free schools
  • Independent schools

Where the local authority (LA) is the employer you should follow any direction from them, but they’re likely to delegate responsibility to your board.

Take reasonable steps to make sure staff and pupils aren't exposed to risks to their health and safety Assess the risks to staff and others affected by school activities and, where applicable, keep a record of significant findings Introduce measures to manage and mitigate these risks Tell employees about the risks and the measures to be