Governor recruitment, skills audits & training

Governor skills & effectiveness

13 articles
  • 20 key questions for governing boards
    Download our 20 key questions and sources of evidence to help you evaluate how effective your governing board is.
  • Annual governance statements
    An annual governance statement is required for an academy and good practice for a maintained school. Get guidance on what yours needs to contain, and take a look at examples of statements from other schools.
  • Chair: role and responsibilities
    Whether you're the chair of a maintained school, a trust board or an LGB, understand your role by downloading our role descriptions. Use our skills audits to help you identify your strengths and areas to work on in your role.

Recruiting & retaining governors

10 articles

Training & induction

16 articles
  • Finance glossary
    Be clear on the key financial terms you'll encounter as a governor at a maintained school or an academy, plus download our glossary to share it with your board.
  • Finance training for governors and trustees
    Strong financial management is one of the pillars of good governance. Find out what training and resources are available to you to enhance your knowledge of school and trust finance.
  • Governance basics glossary
    The key governance terms you'll encounter, including roles on the board, school types, meeting procedures and key documents. Plus, a downloadable version to share with new governors and trustees.