Key Stage 2 SATs: governors' role

Key Stage (KS) 2 SATs will take place in May 2024. Here's what you need to know and examples of questions you might ask your headteacher. If you're asked to be an independent observer, use our checklist to know what to look out for.

Last reviewed on 3 April 2024See updates
School types: Maintained, AcademySchool phases: PrimaryRef: 5029
  1. Know the key information
  2. Monitor SATs as part of general teaching and learning
  3. Ask about the effects on wellbeing
  4. Ask about test administration
  5. You might need to be an independent observer
  6. Independent observers: use our checklist
  7. Scrutinise your school's results afterwards

Know the key information

You should know:

  • What the SATs are for
  • When they'll take place
  • How they'll be administered and reported

Read this article for a quick explanation.

Monitor SATs as part of general teaching and learning

As a general rule, governors don't need to be too involved in how your school prepares pupils for SATs, because the specific details are too operational. 

Your role as a governing board involves monitoring teaching and learning provision overall, and holding your headteacher to account for pupil outcomes. In the build-up to the tests, ask your headteacher questions such as:

  • What are we doing to prepare pupils for their SATs so they have the best possible chance of success? How do we know this is the best method?
  • What do we expect the results to look like this year and why? Is this better or worse than last year? 

SATs can be