Key Stage (KS) 2 SATs are scheduled for 13 to 16 May 2024
At the end of Key Stage (KS) 2, pupils take National Curriculum tests, also known as SATs.
Academies, including free schools, aren't required to teach the National Curriculum but must still administer SATs if their funding agreements require them to follow the KS2 assessment and reporting arrangements (ARA).
KS2 assessment data will be published this year
Just like last year, school-level data from SATs will be published on the DfE's performance measures website. This means you'll be able to compare your school's results with other schools.
What are pupils tested on?
The KS2 SATs consist of:
- English grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) paper 1: questions
- English GPS paper 2: spelling
- English reading
- Maths paper 1: arithmetic
- Maths paper 2: reasoning
- Maths paper 3: reasoning
This is outlined in the ARA guidance, linked above (section 5.1).
Test results will be available to