Performance data glossary

Pupil performance data is full of technical terms and acronyms. Keep our performance data glossary on hand to help you make sense of your data reports. Share our downloadable version with new governors.

Last reviewed on 7 June 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 35856
  1. Technical terms
  2. Attainment measures
  3. Progress measures
  4. Pupil characteristics
  5. Downloadable version

Technical terms

Term Meaning Attainment The results that pupils achieve as measured in assessments and exams. For example, Key Stage 2 (KS2) SATs results or GCSE grades. Attainment results are usually defined as grades, scores or levels achieved by pupils Progress Pupils' achievements over a period of time, for example from KS2 to KS4. A pupil's current attainment will be compared with their previous attainment, in relation to other pupils with similar starting points Adjusted score (at KS2) A pupil's progress score at the end of KS2 can be 'adjusted'. This is because some progress scores can be disproportionately negative and can distort the overall picture of a school's progress score. To avoid this, these low pupil scores are changed to a minimum progress score  Average KS2 score (previously known as 'estimated' score) The scores that pupils are likely to achieve in KS2 SATs based on their prior