Technical terms
Term Meaning Attainment The results that pupils achieve as measured in assessments and exams. For example, Key Stage 2 (KS2) SATs results or GCSE grades. Attainment results are usually defined as grades, scores or levels achieved by pupils Progress Pupils' achievements over a period of time, for example from KS2 to KS4. A pupil's current attainment will be compared with their previous attainment, in relation to other pupils with similar starting points Adjusted score (at KS2) A pupil's progress score at the end of KS2 can be 'adjusted'. This is because some progress scores can be disproportionately negative and can distort the overall picture of a school's progress score. To avoid this, these low pupil scores are changed to a minimum progress score Average KS2 score (previously known as 'estimated' score) The scores that pupils are likely to achieve in KS2 SATs based on their prior