Keeping a record of governor training

Although you aren't required to keep a record of governor or trustee training, it can be a useful source of evidence. Learn how you can track your board's training, and see examples of training records from other boards.

Last reviewed on 26 July 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 31753
  1. You aren't required to keep a training record, but it's helpful to
  2. Record your training on GovernorHub
  3. Template training record sheet
  4. Examples of governor training records

You aren't required to keep a training record, but it's helpful to

There's no statutory requirement for you to keep a record of completed governor training. However, it's useful to record training to be able to:

  • Provide evidence to Ofsted when it looks at governance under the 'leadership and management' judgement, to show your board is effective and meeting statutory requirements (see below)
  • Track how much training individuals and the board as a whole have, and see where there might be skill gaps to fill (e.g. as part of a governing board self-evaluation)
  • Demonstrate your board's commitment to filling any skill gaps, in order to contribute to effective governance. Your board's code of conduct could set this out as an expectation

Record training to show your board