Governing/trust board self-evaluation: resources

Follow these steps and use our resources to carry out your self-evaluation. You'll find a skills audit, evaluation templates, and a dashboard for multi-academy trusts to get an overall picture across local governing bodies. Use our 360° feedback form to review your chair's performance.

Last reviewed on 6 June 2024
Ref: 40562
  1. Step 1: audit your governors' skills and knowledge 
  2. Step 2: get feedback from staff, parents/carers and pupils
  3. Step 3: analyse your board's performance
  4. Step 4: set actions for improvement
  5. Optional step: review your chair's performance

Step 1: audit your governors' skills and knowledge 

Download: governing board self-evaluation – skills audit (maintained boards) DOCX, 623.7 KB

Ask each governor to fill in this audit as part of your governing board’s self-evaluation process. The audit will:

  • Help governors consider their confidence with regard to the 6 key features of effective governance, as set out in the maintained school governance guide (section 1.2)
    • It's also based on the now-withdrawn governance competency framework – we've chosen to keep using this, as it's useful in breaking down what's involved in each key feature
  • Identify any potential areas for training and development among governors (see step 4 below)
  • Help inform your recruitment and hiring decisions in the future 

Step 2: get feedback from staff,