Staff wellbeing & absence

  • Exit interviews for staff
    Exit interviews help improve staff retention by letting you find out why staff are leaving. Understand when governors and trustees should be involved. Download our template questionnaire to find out what questions to ask.
  • How to approach wellbeing strategically
    Understand what a strategic focus on wellbeing looks like and how to use it to create a culture of wellbeing in your school or trust.
  • Monitoring and supporting staff workload and wellbeing
    Find out how you can promote a healthy staff work-life balance without stepping on the toes of the day-to-day running of your school.
  • Protecting staff from sexual harassment: your role
    From 26 October 2024, employers will have a legal duty to protect staff from sexual harassment. Find out what reasonable steps your school or trust should be taking and how you can monitor this.
  • Questions to ask about wellbeing
    Get inspiration for questions you can ask your school leaders about wellbeing, so you're able to monitor wellbeing strategically.
  • Staff wellbeing questionnaires
    Find guidance on how you fit into the process of staff wellbeing surveys as a governor. Plus, see examples of questions your headteacher could ask, to help you get an accurate picture of how staff feel.
  • Wellbeing initiatives: your role and what they look like in practice
    Promoting wellbeing is a crucial part of establishing an inclusive culture in your school. Get an idea of what wellbeing initiatives look like in practice and see how other boards monitored their impact.