Last reviewed on 13 July 2023
School types: All · School phases: All
Ref: 38474

Create a governor training policy to make sure everyone on your board knows their responsibilities around training and development.

Legal requirements

With the exception of safeguarding and safer recruitment training (see below), there aren't any legal requirements for governors to do specific training.

It's up to your board to determine what training the board, committee members or individuals need based on roles, strengths and weaknesses (use our skills audit to find gaps in your board's skills). This is explained in section 4.2 (pages 43 to 44) of the Governance Handbook


Governing boards and school proprietors should make sure all governors receive appropriate safeguarding and child protection training at the point of induction. Having the training ensures all governors understand their responsibilities both individually and collectively. 

Such training should provide governors with the knowledge they need to:

  • Provide sufficient challenge
  • Assure themselves that policies and procedures are effective
  • Make sure there's a whole-school approach to safeguarding in place

Obligations under the Human Rights