Roles on the governing board

Chair of the governing board

11 articles

Clerk to the governing board

9 articles
  • Governance professional's guide to GovernorHub
    Learn how you can use GovernorHub effectively to manage your governance as well as complete a range of common clerking tasks.
  • Governance professional's induction: checklist and guidance
    Know how to provide an effective induction for your new governance professional/clerk so they can hit the ground running. A thoughtful induction process will also serve as evidence of your commitment to training. Download our checklist to make sure you've got everything covered.
  • Governance professionals' pay and hours
    Governance professionals play a key role in school and trust governance and should expect to be paid accordingly. Use the findings from our report on benchmarking pay and working patterns to ensure you are paid fairly for the work that you do.

Link governors

26 articles

The headteacher's role on the board

3 articles