Chairing meetings: your complete guide

Read our top tips on how to chair a full governing board meeting – including how to prepare in advance, stick to time and keep things on track. Use our audit to evaluate how effective your meetings are.

Last reviewed on 15 July 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 35074
  1. Top 3 dos and don'ts
  2. Before your meeting
  3. During the meeting 
  4. Evaluate your meetings 

Read our detailed guide below on how you can get the most out of meetings, and share our audit at the bottom with your governors to find out where you can improve further. 

Get the agenda structure right A clear agenda sets the foundations for a successful meeting.  Your clerk will put together the draft agenda and send it to you, usually a couple of weeks before the meeting. It'll normally be in the same format and you'll know exactly what to expect – but are you confident it's the most efficient way of operating? A good agenda: Starts with the actions arising from the last meeting, or any committee meetings. You'll likely need an update on these actions before you can move forward, so it's good to tick these off first Then goes on to the most important items that require discussion. This makes it more likely that you'll devote enough time to them,