- Allocating link governor roles
Find out what link governor roles your board should have and get advice on how to allocate them.
- Assessment: role of the link governor
Get clarity on your role as the link governor for assessment. Find out how to monitor assessment and save time with our example questions to hold school leaders to account.
- Careers: role of the link governor
Be clear on your role as the link governor for careers. See what questions you can ask the careers lead to support and challenge them.
- Curriculum: role of the link governor
Understand your role as a curriculum link governor and find out what questions you can ask subject leaders to challenge and support them.
- Data analysis: role of the link governor
Not all governors need to be data experts, but your board should have at least 1 person with the skills to interpret the data they're given. Understand what this link governor role involves and how best to deploy your data specialists.
- Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI): role of the link governor
Be clear on your role as the link governor for diversity, equity and inclusion, and find out what questions you can ask to challenge and support your school leaders.
- EAL: role of the link governor
Understand your role as a link governor for English as an additional language (EAL) in your school. Find out how to monitor provision for pupils with EAL, so you can confidently hold your school leaders to account.
- EYFS: role of the link governor
Get up to speed on your role as an Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) link governor. Get to grips with how to monitor the EYFS and what questions you can ask, so you can confidently hold your school leaders to account.
- Finance: role of the link governor or trustee
Be clear on your role as a finance link governor or a member of the finance committee so you can monitor effectively.
- Governor training and development: role of the link governor
Understand what your role entails as a link governor for governor training, and learn how to monitor your board's development.
- Health and safety: role of the link governor
Understand the role of a health and safety link governor, get tips on monitoring your school's compliance and download our model role description.
- ICT: role of the link governor
Understand your role as an IT or ICT link governor, including getting online safety and cyber security on your school's radar, and learn what questions you can ask school and subject leaders to challenge and support them.
- Link governors
Save time by reading our summary of the role and functions of link governors in just 1 page. Download a copy to share with your governing board.
- Literacy: role of the link governor
Understand your role as a literacy link governor and see examples of questions you can ask literacy subject leaders to challenge and support them.
- Monitoring the pupil premium: role of the link governor
Be clear on the role and responsibilities of a pupil premium link governor. Use our list of questions to monitor your school or trust's use of the funding, and find out what to expect from your school leaders' answers.
- Numeracy/maths: role of the link governor
Understand your role as a numeracy/maths link governor and find questions you can ask maths subject leaders to challenge and support them.
- PSHE and citizenship: role of the link governor
Understand your role as the link governor for personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education and citizenship. Find out how to monitor these subjects, and save time with our example questions you can ask your senior leaders to hold them to account.
- Questions to ask subject leaders
Be clear on what questions to ask when meeting subject leaders on school visits or at board and committee meetings, so you can challenge and support them.
- RE: role of the link governor
Get clarity on your role as the link governor for religious education. Find out how to monitor RE and save time with our example questions that you can ask your school leaders, to hold them to account.
- Safeguarding: role of the link governor
Understand what the role of a safeguarding link governor is and who you can appoint.
- SEND: questions to ask
Find out what questions to ask your special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) about your school's provision for pupils with SEND and what to look out for in their answers. Download our questions to take with you to your meeting.
- SEND: role of the link governor
Clarify your role as the link governor for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Download our role description and get advice on meeting with the special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO), as well as a link for training.
- STEM: role of the link governor
Find out how to carry out your role as a STEM link governor effectively. Learn what the role entails and use our questions to hold leaders to account. Download our planner to organise your first year in the role.
- Sustainability: role of the link governor
Find out how to carry out your role as a sustainability link governor effectively. Learn what the role entails and use our questions to hold leaders to account.
- Wellbeing link governor: role description
Understand what your role as a wellbeing link governor or trustee involves, so you can help your board monitor and embed a wellbeing culture. Get an idea of what questions you can ask your school's wellbeing/mental health lead, to both support and challenge decisions made.