Curriculum: role of the link governor

Understand your role as a curriculum link governor and find out what questions you can ask subject leaders to challenge and support them.

Last reviewed on 25 September 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 5882
  1. Your role 
  2. How to monitor the curriculum
  3. Questions to ask curriculum leaders
  4. Ofsted and the curriculum

This article is for you if your role involves looking at your school's curriculum.

Your role 

You should:

Work closely with the appropriate lead(s)

Depending on how your school sets up its leadership structure, this might mean working with:

  • A member of the senior leadership team responsible for the curriculum
  • Leads for multiple subjects
  • A single leader responsible for specific groups of subjects or themes
  • Phase or Key Stage leaders

Remember, you're not expected to be a curriculum expert, to judge the subject the same way an inspector would, or to know as much as the headteacher.

However, you do need to work closely with school leaders to get the insights you need to help the board hold staff to account and drive improvement.

Be the board's specialist

Your job is to act as the link between governors and staff and to report to the board on things like:
