SEND: questions to ask

Find out what questions to ask your special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) about your school's provision for pupils with SEND and what to look out for in their answers. Download our questions to take with you to your meeting.

Last reviewed on 26 January 2023See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 4768
  1. Questions to ask
  2. Downloadable version
  3. Next steps

Thanks to our associate education expert Lorraine Petersen who helped us to create these questions and answers. 

Read our articles on the role of a SENCO and/or education, health and care (EHC) plans if you need to familiarise yourself with these before your meeting.

Questions to ask

How does our school manage SEND? You should assure yourself that:  Your school complies with the SEND code of practice at all times - be clear on your duties with SEND as a governor here Your school's SEND provision is set out in the SEN information report - a statutory document which must be published on your school's website (this report may form the basis of your discussion, as many of the answers to these questions will be set out