Careers: role of the link governor

Be clear on your role as the link governor for careers. See what questions you can ask the careers lead to support and challenge them.

Last reviewed on 24 January 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: Secondary, 16 PlusRef: 4739
  1. Expectations of your board
  2. Your role
  3. How to monitor careers provision
  4. Questions to ask the careers leader
  5. Where to find further training
  6. Ofsted and careers

Expectations of your board

If your school provides secondary education, you should have a member of your governing board who takes a strategic interest in careers education and guidance, and encourages employer engagement.

This is explained on page 14 of the Department for Education's (DfE's) statutory guidance, which applies to maintained schools and academies.

Make sure you're clear on the statutory requirements for careers guidance.

Your role

You should:

Work closely with the relevant member of staff

Set up regular meetings with the careers leader so you can monitor what your school is doing.

Be the board's specialist

Subject delivery How careers guidance links to the school improvement plan (SIP) and contributes to pupils' learning How conversations with local businesses are going, including what skills they're looking for The range of education and training providers who've had the chance to talk to