Mainstream schools must have a SENCO
You must make sure your school has a qualified teacher who’s designated as special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) if you're:
- A maintained school
- An academy
- A free school
- An alternative provision (AP) academy
- A pupil referral unit (PRU)
- A maintained nursery (other early years providers are also expected to have one)
These requirements are outlined on pages 88 to 92, and 108 of the SEND Code of Practice.
Other school types are also encouraged to have a SENCO
Your school is not required to have a SENCO if you're:
- An independent school
- A special school
- A 16 to 19 academy
But it's still recommended that your school has a qualified teacher responsible for overseeing and co-ordinating SEN provision.
Who can be a SENCO?
Your school’s SENCO must be:
- A qualified teacher working at the school, or
- The headteacher, or acting headteacher, of the school
Be a part-time member of staff Share