Link governor roles you should have
Statutory guidance (see below) says your board should have:
- A senior board-level lead to take leadership responsibility for your school's/trust's safeguarding arrangements
- An individual (or a committee) with specific oversight of your school's arrangements for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)
- (Secondary schools) An individual who takes a strategic interest in careers education and guidance, and encourages employer engagement with the school
It's also recommended that you have a link governor for governor training and development, to make sure all board members develop their skills to actively contribute to the board. Consider giving your vice-chair or another governor this responsibility.
Keeping Children Safe in Education (page 25) The SEND Code of Practice (page 92, section 6.3) Careers guidance and access for education and training providers (page 14) Maintained schools governance guide (section 2.3) Academy trust