School finance

Financial monitoring & reporting

11 articles
  • Academy Trust Handbook: changes from September 2024
    Changes to the Academy Trust Handbook 2024 include a requirement to capture appointment information in your register of interests, less admin for leasing arrangements, and a requirement for trusts with higher incomes to use professional auditors for internal scrutiny.
  • Financial transparency: requirements for maintained schools
    Get up to speed with the financial transparency regulations for maintained schools. Find out what your school is required to do, so you can monitor compliance.
  • How to interrogate a finance report
    Read our step-by-step guide to monitoring the finance report so you're clear on what the numbers mean, what to look out for and what questions to ask in your finance committee meeting.

Generating income & fundraising

2 articles

School budget & expenditure

8 articles

School funding

9 articles
  • Core schools budget grant (CSBG): summary
    Find out how much funding your school should receive to help you cover the costs of the 2024-25 financial year, including the teacher and support staff pay awards.
  • Devolved formula capital (DFC) funding
    Devolved formula capital (DFC) is a source of capital funding for maintained schools and academies. Learn how it's allocated and the rules your school needs to follow when spending it.
  • Funding for pupils with SEN
    Understand how provision for pupils with special educational needs (SEN) is funded in your school.