How to review your sustainability policy

Find out how to review your school's/trust's sustainability policy. Look at suggestions for what you could find in your policy, questions to ask and examples of sustainability and environmental policies from other schools and trusts.

Last reviewed on 3 November 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 43581
  1. Key facts
  2. Key points to look out for
  3. 5 key questions to challenge the policy
  4. Examples from schools/trusts

Key points to look out for

A clear strategy that will link to your climate action plan

By 2025, the Department for Education (DfE) aims for all schools to have a sustainability lead and a climate action plan in place. Having a sustainability policy can help your school/trust coordinate a strategy to prepare for this. 

Your school's/trust's climate action plan needs to cover four areas, so if your sustainability policy does the same, it will be a good starting place when leaders begin to create the climate action plan. These four areas are:

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