How to review your SEND policy and SEN information report

Find questions to ask when reviewing your school's special educational needs and disability (SEND) policy and SEN information report. Use our checklists to make sure your school is meeting the requirements, and download our model policy and report to see what good looks like.

Last reviewed on 21 August 2024See updates
Ref: 38455
Statutory/mandatory for:
Maintained schools
Free schools
Sixth-form colleges
Pupil referral units
Non-maintained special schools
  1. Key facts
  2. Know the difference
  3. Checklist for the SEND policy
  4. Checklist for the SEN information report
  5. Key questions to challenge the policy and report
  6. Model SEND policy
  7. Model SEN information report
  8. SEND policy examples from schools and trusts
  9. SEN information report examples from schools

Know the difference

These documents could come to you for review together, or at different times. It's important you know the key difference between the 2:

  • The SEND policy is aimed at staff and is more process driven
  • The SEN information report is aimed at parents/carers, and needs to be easily accessible

If you need to brush up on terms relating to SEND, take a look at our SEND glossary

Checklist for the SEND policy

Your school’s SEND policy should cover:

  • Your school’s values, vision and broader aims around SEND
  • How the policy was developed
  • Who’s responsible for developing and implementing the policy
  • Information on how pupils with SEN will be identified and how their needs will be assessed
  • What training will be available to staff 
  • When the policy was approved and who approved it 

Our checklist sets out in more detail everything that your policy should cover: 

Checklist for the SEN information