Safeguarding: role of the link governor

Understand what the role of a safeguarding link governor is and who you can appoint.

Last reviewed on 29 August 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 4041
  1. Who can it be?
  2. Their role
  3. Download a printable version of the role description
  4. Follow your school's procedures to raise concerns

The information in this article is taken from Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2024. 

Who can it be?

The safeguarding link governor should be at senior board level (or equivalent). For multi-academy trusts, they should be at trust board level. This comes from paragraph 78 of KCSIE 2024.

Your board should appoint them to take lead responsibility for your school's safeguarding arrangements.

The safeguarding link governor must be:

  • A full governor (either elected or appointed) – they can't be an associate member
  • Separate from the designated safeguarding lead (DSL) – this is to make sure there's sufficient challenge to your school's safeguarding arrangements and performance 

Their role

Monitoring your school's systems and procedures

Child protection policy – they'll find our child protection checklist and model policy helpful for this Staff code of conduct Policy for handling allegations of abuse against staff and volunteers, including allegations that don't meet the harm threshold (low-level concerns) Safeguarding