Understanding the safeguarding report

As governors, you need to keep up to date with safeguarding in your school. Download our example safeguarding report to see what to expect, and understand what you should do with it.

Last reviewed on 26 July 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 5524
  1. What to expect from a report
  2. Frequency of safeguarding reports
  3. Actions to take

What to expect from a report

The headteacher or designated safeguarding lead (DSL) is usually responsible for creating the safeguarding report. Download our example template to see what to expect from a report, and use it to find out if anything is missing from your school’s report:

Download: example safeguarding report DOCX, 615.3 KB

This report shouldn't be produced by a governor. The person responsible for writing the report will need access to confidential information. You don't need to know any details about individual cases.

Frequency of safeguarding reports

The full governing board to receive an annual safeguarding report so all governors are aware of and can monitor your school's safeguarding procedures The relevant committees and safeguarding link governor to receive termly reports to scrutinise the school's procedures in more detail and report back to the governing