What this policy needs to do
When you're reading your school's safeguarding policy, check that it:
- Sets out how the school can take appropriate action in a timely manner to safeguard and promote children’s welfare
- Makes all staff and governors aware of their safeguarding responsibilities
- Makes sure staff are properly trained in recognising and reporting safeguarding issues
Statutory safeguarding guidance says a child protection policy should include:
- Your whole-school approach to child-on-child abuse
- The systems in place for pupils to report abuse
- Your safeguarding procedures (which should be in line with government guidance)
- Local multi-agency safeguarding arrangements (e.g. referring to procedures set by the 3 local safeguarding partners)
- Policies such as online safety and special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)
3 key questions to challenge the policy
You need to ask challenging questions when the policy comes to you for approval so you can satisfy yourself that the policy-reviewing process was robust.
Your policy