This article is for you if you're on the finance committee or you're the finance or data link governor/trustee, and you've been delegated responsibility to look in more detail at your school/trust's finances.
Other governors/trustees shouldn't need to look at the financial benchmarking website, but might still find this article helpful to understand how the finance committee/link governor carries out this kind of scrutiny.
What is financial benchmarking?
Financial benchmarking is when you compare your school/trust's finances with others.
It's crucial data to ask senior leaders about, to hold them to account and to help monitor your finances.
This article is based on the Department for Education's (DfE's) financial benchmarking website. However, FFT Education Datalab also has a benchmarking service where you can compare things such as workforce data and income per pupil.
The financial information on the DfE's financial benchmarking website is from schools' consistent financial reporting (CFR) returns