Budget approval process

Get an idea of what your budget approval process might look like, so you're clear on when you're involved and what you need to do.

Last reviewed on 26 September 2024
Ref: 40545
  1. At-a-glance overview
  2. Steps 1 to 3: what happens before you approve the budget
  3. Step 4: prepare to approve the budget 
  4. Step 5: approve the budget in a full governing board meeting

Our associate education experts Brendan Hollyer, Graeme Hornsby, Matt Miller, David New and Martin Owen helped us to write this article.

At-a-glance overview

The steps recommended in this article assume you have a finance committee, but your school might do things differently. For example, if you don't have a finance committee, your full governing board will carry out step 3 and you'll likely have a designated lead finance governor or monitoring pair to lean on for expertise.

An annual budget, which must be approved by your full board or a committee. Your school should check with your local authority (LA):  When your deadline is for submitting this. It should be some time in May or June, but your LA might expect to see a provisional plan earlier than this too (as explained in section 4.3 of this DfE guidance) To agree what format the document should take and how your school should