Pupil premium spending: report to governors

Know what info to look out for in pupil premium reports from your school, so you can effectively monitor spending.

Last reviewed on 27 April 2023
School types: Maintained, AcademySchool phases: Primary, SecondaryRef: 4314
  1. There's no required format for reports
  2. Download our report templates

As a governor, you're responsible for monitoring how your school spends its pupil premium grant, including whether the funding is having a positive impact on eligible pupils.

Please note: this template is for leaders to report to governors. Leaders will fill out a statutory report template to send to the DfE separately. Read up on how to monitor your school's pupil premium report in our article.

Need a pupil premium refresh? Read our short articles on the pupil premium and the rules on what it should be spent on, so you're clear on your monitoring role.

There's no required format for reports

Your headteacher will decide how to report pupil premium information to you, according to a Department for Education (DfE) representative. 

The reports should focus on:

  • How your school has spent its pupil premium
  • How the pupil premium has helped increase the attainment of eligible pupils

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