As the process for deputy headteacher and headteacher recruitment are almost the same, familiarise yourself with the process by taking our headteacher recruitment training.
See our model job description and person specification
Use it to get an idea of what a deputy headteacher role involves, and what you're looking for in the recruitment process.
You could share this document with your school leaders if they don't already have one, as a starting point for them to adapt.
It's based on:
- The Headteachers' Standards 2020 and the Teachers' Standards
- Requirements in the School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD)
Appoint a selection panel
Appoint a panel of at least 3 governors, who are not also the head teacher (see regulation 15.3 of the The School Staffing (England) Regulations) Have at least 1 panel member with safer recruitment training (see Regulation