Co-headship: guidance for governors

Learn what co-headship is and what you need to consider when deciding if it might be right for your school. Read about common co-headship models and find pointers for long-term success.

Last reviewed on 25 March 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 36604
  1. Flexible working can work for leadership positions
  2. Reasons you may consider co-headship
  3. Consider the possible pros and cons 
  4. Choose the best co-headship model for your school
  5. Questions to ask if you're considering co-headship
  6. Follow these pointers for long-term success

Flexible working can work for leadership positions

Headship is no exception.

The DfE's guidance on flexible working in schools sets out how, under The Education Act 2002, maintained schools must have a headteacher at all times. But as long as the headship isn't left vacant for part of the week, this requirement can be met by 2 part-time contracts brought together to create a job share (go to the section 'the process for requesting flexible working' then 'part-time leadership roles').

The guidance also encourages schools and multi-academy trusts (MATs) to adopt a flexible working policy which responds to the needs of staff and employers.

The DfE sees the improved retention