Advertising for a headteacher vacancy: requirements

Get up to speed on what you need to know about advertising for a new headteacher, including “good reasons” for not advertising at all and the safeguarding and equality requirements you need to comply with.

Last reviewed on 4 March 2024
School types: Maintained, AcademySchool phases: AllRef: 3999
  1. Understand your requirements
  2. KCSIE sets out expectations for safeguarding 
  3. Make sure you comply with the Equality Act 2010 
  4. It's good practice to advertise as widely as possible
  5. You can advertise exclusively to internal applicants if it's appropriate 
  6. "Good reasons" not to advertise

If you're in the process of recruiting a headteacher, get an overview of what you need to do.

Understand your requirements

Maintained schools

You must advertise any headteacher vacancy in whatever way you consider to be appropriate, unless you have a good reason not to (find examples of possible “good reasons” at the bottom of the page).

See regulations 15 and 27 of the School Staffing (England) Regulations 2009 and page 9 of the staffing and employment guidance from the Department for Education (DfE).


The regulations outlined above don’t apply to you.

Instead, double check your articles of association and funding agreement just in case they outline any requirements around how your trust should advertise vacancies.

KCSIE sets out expectations for safeguarding 

You need to follow this guidance on what to say in job adverts.

Your commitment to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, making it clear that safeguarding checks will