Pupil premium: spending

Know what your role is in monitoring pupil premium spending, and get up to speed with the rules on what it should and shouldn't be spent on.

Last reviewed on 10 April 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 3805
  1. Your role
  2. Rules on spending
  3. The funding shouldn't be spent on free school meals
  4. Your school can carry the grant forward

Your role

You're responsible for monitoring the spending of pupil premium funding to make sure it's having an impact on pupils.

It's up to your senior leadership team to decide how to spend the money.

You can monitor through:

Rules on spending

The pupil premium is designed to help raise the attainment of eligible pupils.

Your school can spend pupil premium funding on:

  • Pupils registered at your school
  • Pupils registered at other maintained schools or academies
  • Community services that benefit pupils at your school 

This is set out in section 3 of the 2024-25 conditions for grant for both maintained schools and academies.

The Department for