The government has provided additional funding to help support the education recovery of pupils following the COVID-19 pandemic.
Recovery premium
This is an additional amount of money focused on pupils eligible for the pupil premium and pupils in specialist settings – e.g. special schools, special units and pupil referral units (PRUs).
You can read the full details in the DfE's recovery premium funding guidance, but the main points to know are set out below.
Who's eligible?
If your school is eligible for pupil premium, it will also be eligible for the recovery premium. This includes:
- Maintained schools
- Academies
- Free schools serving children aged 4 to 15
- Maintained special schools, special academies and free schools
- Non-maintained special schools
- PRUs
- Alternative provision (AP) academies and free schools
- Maintained hospital schools and academies
Which pupils will attract funding?
Pupils eligible for free schools meals (FSM), including eligible children of families who have no recourse to public funds