Executive headteacher appraisal

Understand the regulations around appraisal and how the process for an executive headteacher works, depending on your governance structure.

Last reviewed on 20 February 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 5329
  1. Role of the governing board
  2. Check your school's appraisal policy
  3. Appraisal when working in more than 1 school

Role of the governing board

Maintained schools

Governing boards are responsible for the appraisal of their executive leader, whether this be a headteacher or an executive headteacher, as explained in the Governance Handbook (paragraph 127 on page 95).

The Education (School Teachers’ Appraisal) (England) Regulations 2012 set out the requirements for reviewing headteacher performance in maintained schools (regulation 7).

Although these regulations don't specifically mention executive headteachers, a DfE representative confirmed to us that they apply to all teachers employed in maintained schools, including executive headteachers.

For more information on the statutory requirements for headteacher appraisal, take a look at our article on the step-by-step headteacher appraisal process.


Trust boards are free to decide on their own appraisal arrangements. They can also follow the requirements for maintained schools if they want to.

To find out about CEO appraisal, read our article on the process in multi-academy