Headteacher appraisal: collect and analyse feedback

Download our template forms to collect 360-degree feedback for your headteacher's appraisal. Find out how to analyse the results and what to bear in mind when interpreting the feedback.

Last reviewed on 9 October 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 4248
  1. Choose who will provide feedback
  2. Use our template forms to collect feedback
  3. Analyse feedback
  4. What to bear in mind

Our associate education experts Jacqueline Baker, Gulshan Kayembe and Alice Maynard helped us to write this article.

Choose who will provide feedback

The headteacher appraisal committee decides this. 

Who's chosen will depend on the size of your school. For example:

  • In a small primary school you could ask all teaching staff and governors to provide feedback
  • In a large secondary school you may want to ask a sample of people to provide feedback

Make sure you:

  • Choose a representative sample of people in the school rather than those who you know will give the ‘right’ answers
  • Ask enough people so you can conduct a meaningful analysis of the results, but don’t ask too many, as this can leave you with too many results to process

The chair of the appraisal panel should then send the form to these people, ideally by email.

Use our template forms to collect feedback

Download: HT appraisal