How to approach wellbeing strategically

Understand what a strategic focus on wellbeing looks like and how to use it to create a culture of wellbeing in your school or trust.

Last reviewed on 3 April 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 38749
  1. Why a strategic view of wellbeing matters
  2. Decide what good mental health and wellbeing should look like 
  3. Set SMART objectives
  4. Find out how staff are doing right now
  5. Make sure your school (or wider trust) has a wellbeing action plan
  6. Help your headteacher be the change you want to see

Why a strategic view of wellbeing matters

The governance guides for maintained schools (section 4.7) and academy trusts (section 5.4) both say that boards must consider the wellbeing and work-life balance of all their staff.

But the concept of wellbeing is tough to pin down, made trickier by your need to:

  • Approach wellbeing strategically, not operationally
  • Be sure steps taken are substantial, not superficial

Your role is to understand what good mental health and wellbeing really means for your school(s), to embed that into your vision and ethos, and then support (and challenge) your senior leadership team (SLT) to put measures in place to make it happen.  

Strive to make your school or trust a healthy, happy place to work, and the end result will be a better functioning organisation.

If you want the focus on mental health and wellbeing to be long-lasting and meaningful, you'll need to