The first core function: clarity of vision, ethos and strategy

Get a break down of what 'ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategy' really means, who's responsible for doing what, and what this looks like in practice when it comes to school improvement planning and monitoring your school's performance.

Last reviewed on 18 October 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 36929
  1. What are 'vision, ethos and strategic direction'?
  2. Who's responsible for these things?
  3. What does this look like in practice?

What are 'vision, ethos and strategic direction'?

Vision: a statement that clearly and simply states what your school aspires to

Ethos: the culture and character of the school. It's how people feel when they're there, and the shared beliefs you all hold. It's the environment you create to make sure people can achieve the vision, live the values, and implement the strategy

Strategy: the specific actions you'll take to achieve your vision

Who's responsible for these things?

The governing board, together with the school's senior leadership team.

Together, you'll create the school's vision, distil that down to a vision statement and embed that vision within the school.

Your school's vision and how you harness that vision to drive the school forward creates the ethos.

What does this look like in practice?

You'll then use your school's vision and ethos as the lens