Annual appraisals are a good idea
Although there's no requirement to conduct a clerk/governance professional's appraisal, the governance guides state:
- Maintained schools: "Appraisal of the governance professional for their governance support at the school is important and we recommend this is undertaken by the chair." (section 4.8.1)
- Academies: "It is the board’s responsibility to ensure the governance professional receives appropriate remuneration for their governance role, reflective of the skills, experience and advice they bring to the board." (section 4.5.1)
- Although appraisals aren't specifically mentioned here, they can be a good way to evidence the skills your clerk has
- If you're in a multi-academy trust (MAT) you may have a governance lead or equivalent in a central team who will appraise each clerk in the MAT
Review their performance against the Department for Education's (DfE's) clerking competency framework and previously-agreed objectives Although this framework is now withdrawn, it's still a useful