What is it?
The clerking competency framework provides non-statutory guidance on the knowledge, skills and behaviours clerks need.
The framework applies to maintained schools, federations, academies and multi-academy trusts (MATs). While it doesn't apply to other school types, the general principles are still useful.
The guidance explains the role of the clerk and how vital they are in supporting the 6 core features of effective governance (as outlined in the competency framework for governance).
It's made up of 4 core clerking competencies
These are:
- Understanding governance
- Administration
- Advice and guidance
- People and relationships
The framework explains why each competency is important for effective governance.
It then lists either the ‘knowledge and understanding’ or ‘skills and effective behaviours’ that clerks need to demonstrate their competency in each area.
How can we use the framework?
Understand the role of professional clerking and how it can improve the