How to carry out a clerk's appraisal

The quality of your clerking is key to the performance of your board(s). Learn how to carry out an annual performance review so you can drive high standards and support professional development for your clerk/ governance professional.

Last reviewed on 4 July 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 5275
  1. Annual appraisals are a good idea
  2. Get prepared
  3. The appraisal meeting

Annual appraisals are a good idea

Although there's no requirement to conduct a clerk/governance professional's appraisal, the governance guides state:

  • Maintained schools: "Appraisal of the governance professional for their governance support at the school is important and we recommend this is undertaken by the chair." (section 4.8.1)
  • Academies: "It is the board’s responsibility to ensure the governance professional receives appropriate remuneration for their governance role, reflective of the skills, experience and advice they bring to the board." (section 4.5.1)
    • Although appraisals aren't specifically mentioned here, they can be a good way to evidence the skills your clerk has
    • If you're in a multi-academy trust (MAT) you may have a governance lead or equivalent in a central team who will appraise each clerk in the MAT

Review their performance against the Department for Education's (DfE's) clerking competency framework and previously-agreed objectives Although this framework is now withdrawn, it's still a useful