Staffing and HR glossary

The key staffing, HR and employment terms you'll encounter as a governor or trustee, plus a downloadable version to share with new board members.

Last reviewed on 27 June 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 34913
  1. Roles in schools and trusts
  2. School-specific terms and conditions
  3. Employment law 
  4. Downloadable version

CEO Chief executive officer. Title usually given to the chief executive of a multi-academy trust (MAT). MATs must appoint a chief executive in order to comply with the Academy Trust Handbook. Some smaller MATs refer to the chief executive as ‘executive headteacher’. DPO Data protection officer. The person in your school or trust, or an external data protection adviser, who takes responsibility for monitoring data protection compliance.  DSL Designated safeguarding lead.  This role must be held by a senior member of staff in every school. They're responsible for safeguarding and child protection and support other staff members to carry out their own safeguarding duties. ECT Early career teacher. Teachers taking part in a 2-year early career induction provided by your school(s). They have a reduced teaching timetable during this time. Executive headteacher Usually refers to the headteacher of more than one school. Can be appointed in both maintained school federations and MATs. The remit of the role varies