6 key rules to remember when restructuring staff

Reorganising staff in a school is different to restructuring in other organisations. As governors, you won't manage this process, but read the key rules and requirements here so you can support your headteacher effectively.

Last reviewed on 26 October 2023See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 34892
  1. There are required roles in schools
  2. Staff may have nationally set terms and conditions
  3. Equality law applies to schools
  4. You must consult staff and unions in some circumstances
  5. There are rules on redundancy pay and notice
  6. Responsibility for dismissal varies by school type

There are many things to take into account when restructuring school staff. This article isn't exhaustive – it's a top-line look at the main bits of law and school-specific information that will help you support your headteacher through the process.

There are required roles in schools

Read the list of the roles schools must have in place.

Early years: there are also ratios of pupils to staff that your school must follow, which are set out on pages 28 to 32 in the Early Years Foundation Stage framework (EYFS). Your senior leaders will be able to advise on these. 

Staff may have nationally set terms and conditions

Staff in your school may be employed under certain terms and conditions, so you need to make sure these allow the changes you and your headteacher want to make.

Document Explanation Applies to: STPCD School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions